BeyondKONA (2018 – )
Bill relocated to Hawai’i in 2013. He has committed time and resources in assisting Hawaii’s advancement to a sustainable environment and clean energy economy. His volunteer activities are highlighted by three years as a board director of the all-volunteer and non-profit Community Enterprises, providing leadership and growth to the organization’s West Hawai’i Forums series, which explored issues of interest to the community and greater Hawaii. By 2018, Bill had left Community Enterprises to dedicate his time to BeyondKona and other community volunteer support activities.
In July 2018, Bill launched a new online publication, BeyondKONA with the mission to inform, organize, and promote community leadership and civic activism towards a sustainable and equitable future for Hawaii.
BeyondKONA seeks to further enable and advance our island communities access to decisive information resources which may assist in the ongoing citizen task of participating in the development of meaningful public policies and economic opportunities that advance Hawaii’s clean energy economy, statewide sustainability, while protecting and preserving Hawaii’s ʻāina.
Bill also continues to serve community interests in his volunteer support capacities as the chairperson of Hawaii’s Clean Power Task Force, and since 2019, as a board member of the statewide organization Hawaii Electric Vehicle Association: