
Henry Pic 1

State of Hawai`i Energy Policy – From Climate Change to Microgrids, Carbon Taxes and Beyond

Greta Thunberg addressed a United Nations Climate Change Conference in December 2018. The 16-year-old noted, “We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis.” Hurricane Lane For Hawai’i, Hurricane Lane should serve as a wake-up call. In August 2018, Lane barrelled towards O`ahu. If its strength had been maintained for another 24-48 hours, devastating would have occurred. Thomas Travis, the Administrator […]

Burning Torch

Subject: Public Testimony; HB 550 – Just how does Hawaii get to a clean energy economy by 2045?

Renewable Portfolio Standard; Gas; Electricity; Study; Appropriation Description: Requires the Public Utilities Commission to study the feasibility of implementing renewable portfolio standards to encourage the use of renewable energy by gas utility companies. Amends the renewable portfolio standard interim goals for 2030 and 2040 to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy. Appropriates funds. (HB550 HD1) […]

Isaac Pic

TMT Construction – Mauna Kea Controversy Bulldozes the Law

The Thirty-Meter Telescope decision – Whatever views anyone may have on astronomy or Hawaiian culture on the Big Island, everyone should understand the importance of the Thirty-Meter Telescope legal decision and its application of Hawai‘i state law.  While the recent decision by the Hawai‘i Supreme Court affirming the state conservation land use permit for the Thirty-Meter […]

Hnery Pic

Hawai`i Legislative and PUC Reforms Needed to Correct Power Plant Pollution, Climate & Community Impacts

The controversy surrounding the proposed Hu Honua biomass-to-electricity power plant in Pepeekeo and at the former site of Hilo Coast’s coal-fired electricity power plant could result in new laws linking power plants to their environmental, climate, and social consequences. The first issue to be decided is which law should be changed? There are two ways […]