Hi Wave Crash

Surf’s Up

To understand what lies ahead for Hawaii, the nation, and our world during the current pandemic storm epidemiologists have been studying the countries first battered by the virus storm.

Waves of COVID-19?

Any surfer can tell you about waves, big ones, small ones, good ones, and wipe outs.  The one thing waves all have in common – there is always another wave that follows, and generally in sets of three or four waves at a time.

Science tells us that COVID-19 virus will likely come in waves, in great part due to the uneven and disjointed global response to the pandemic, and the nature of the corona family of viruses.

Presently, there is disparate talk and increasing pressure to cut and run from our virus-induced economic losses. Scientists warn that prematurely re-booting our global economic engine with the infection still raging will only feed waves of the pandemic’s impacts.  Others argue, if China can do it (put people back to work), so can we..?

However, the question is not should we, but when?Sets Of Waves

The more the President does his campaign-best to convince the nation that once we get through this grim month of April, the nightmare will be completely over, the economy will come back with a roar, and all will be fine – we all want to believe the President, and wouldn’t it be wonderful, if true.

But this virus is very resilient, and health experts warn that this may be just the first wave of what may be waves of infections until we get a vaccine sometime in 2021.

Already, Japan after initial success is seeing a surge of infections, both China and South Korea have struggled with imported infections; and that seems inevitable as economic activity restarts and travel resumes.

“There’s this biological fact that still in South Korea, the people who haven’t been infected aren’t immune, and as soon as there’s an end to social distancing they’ll be vulnerable again,” noted Dr. Mark Poznansky of Harvard Medical School.   The same is true in the United States.

“We’re just looking at this first wave,” noted Dr. Murray. He estimates that in June, some 95 percent of Americans will still be susceptible to the virus.

“The world’s on fire with this virus,” said Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, and this means that even if one country succeeds in putting out the blaze, sparks will keep arriving from elsewhere to cause new outbreaks. He added: “I think the transmission will continue to occur for some time.”

Jobless Graph


First, the good news — we have a policy toolbox that works. 

Even for countries that bungled their initial response to the virus, like Italy and the United States, there’s hope: Social distancing succeeds in slowing the contagion, and it does so quickly — within a few weeks of the adoption of tough measures.   On balance, this is excellent news. Early on, epidemiologists simply didn’t know how well social distancing would work.  It’s clear it works and we have an all important tool to save lives, if we use it…

Many Republican-controlled state governments are now seeing the consequences of their policy of virus-denial. Now faced with overwhelming facts from growing local virus impacts, the pandemic has come knocking at their front door, and it is no longer someone else’s problem, or just another science-driven conspiracy like human-caused climate change, this is the real deal.

“It’s the economy stupid.”     

That was the political calculus of 2008 presidential election.

In China, deaths didn’t fall sharply until a month after authoritarian controls had been imposed, in effect locking down the country. The government has now just as quickly reversed its effective national policy of economic lock-down, allowing sections of the country’s factory-rich areas to resume operations, leaving virus mitigation efforts selective applications and areas, all in the absence of a medical cure, and in nation of 1.2 billion people.

The consequence of China’s economy-first policy is a better managed rehearsal for Trump’s stated plan to offer the Country a quick release from its lock-down.  Is the Chinese government gambling with the lives of citizens – that’s a bet not yet called in a gamble with the COVID-19 virus, which until a vaccine becomes available, is holding all the cards.

The daily made-for-TV briefing to the Nation

Like the Chinese, Donald Trump is also focused on the economy during the present day pandemic.  Trump made it clear again today, in another of his daily made-for-TV briefings to the nation, that insulting reporters and anyone in the medical and scientific community who disagrees or challenges his unfounded assumptions and beliefs, they will face his wrath.

During the state of today’s TV briefing to the nation, our President went about setting the record straight with crooked statements.  Reporter questions, ranging from mounting virus-related deaths to Federal emergency response failures, to critical supply shortages in the nation’s hospitals resulting in mounting deaths measured in the lives of the nation’s healthcare workers and their patients – it was all but brushed aside with Trump’s unfounded assessments that he and the private sector would soon delivery a cure or treatment for the virus from existing and experimental medicines…America would be “great” again.

It is indeed a pleasure to hear Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases get his allotted 5 minutes at the microphone during the daily 2 hour briefings. Fauci uses his brief moment at the mic to reboot the conversation with refreshing wisdom and facts, providing the nation a reality check on Presidents statements. But as quickly as he appears on stage, he is then relegated to the back bench, so Trump can continue of daily show.

For the record, Dr. Fauci is the widely admired and much listened-to expert who has been in his position since 1984, advising six presidents along the way. He has taken on HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Zika and many other public health threats.

Ignoring the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and all creditable medical resources at his disposal, Trump, once again now that impeachment process is over and his personal lawyer has come out of the shadows, , doctor Rudy Giuliani is now advising the President on so-called miracle cures for the COVID-19 virus – yet none exist. The facts are that there are none, no vaccines have yet been invented, and therefore no proven existing drug work conclusively on the virus.  In this case, Rudy Giuliani’s cure advice may be worse than the disease, in some cases both can kill you.


Presidential Low Bar

The COVID-19 VIRUS – A Presidential Moment


Four months into a global pandemic and national crisis, President Trump is only beginning to face the facts — his earlier assertions of a virus “under control” and a personal belief  that the threat would “miraculously” disappear without much effort by the Federal government have failed to materialize.

Five weeks ago, when there were 60 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the United States, President Trump expressed little alarm. “This is a flu,” he said.  He was still likening it to an ordinary flu as late as last Friday (Mar. 27th).

By Tuesday, however, more than 1,000 in US die in a single day from coronavirus, doubling the worst daily death toll of the flu.  Cases of COVID-19 reached 259,750 in the United States, and over one million cases have been recorded globally. The national virus-driven death tool climbed to 6,603 — presidential denial and wishful thinking were no longer acceptable in the political calculus.

More Americans have now been killed by the virus than by the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

This reality and other facts are finally changing Trump’s mind, and during yesterday’s (Mar. 31) White House briefing on the deadly virus’ and its impact on the American people, Trump pivoted (as he often does) … “It’s not the flu,” he said. “It’s vicious.”  For more than two hours, surrounded by charts showing death projections of hellacious proportions, our president appeared to be coming to grips with a reality he had long refused to accept.

At a minimum, the charts predicted that 100,000 to 240,000 Americans would die — and only without proper containment measures the number could exceed 2 million American deaths — avoidable if the nation abides by stringent social distancing restrictions, presenting choking the economy.

Just two days ago, March 29th, President Trump repeatedly suggested that COVID-19 related restrictions might ease in a matter of days or weeks, his personal target, by Easter.

For all of Trump’s personal and leadership failings, including ignoring vast amounts of Federal scientific and intelligence resources at his disposal, he failed to act when the COVID-19 was more a threat to the United States, than an actual event.  In short, the nation’s chief executive failed America, and left the County woefully unprepared for the pandemic’s arrival on US shores — that was over 4 months ago – and the virus will continue to come at a cost of American lives and an economic crash bigger than initially imaged.

Trump Twitter Quote

TV ratings on the national stage

Did Trump’s actions (or lack thereof) create the virus, NO.  But his absence of federal leadership has contributed to, and compounded, the virus’ national impact. Governors from around the country are screaming for more assistance from the federal government. Trump would only obsess over his ratings, as if running the United States government is more akin to a TV show, and he is the star.

At times it is hard to comprehend how indifferent Trump appears to the growing human suffering from this pandemic. Yesterday’s made-for TV performance from the White House was a turn-about from his previous pandemic assertions, but only time will tell how long the President’s seemingly new found appreciation for the facts lasts.

Ignoring the facts

To date, Trump remains willfully ignorant of the magnitude of this national crisis and global pandemic. Then there is the prospect of silent spreaders unknowingly helping to fuel an ever expanding pandemic that does not fit into artificial deadlines and his political calculus.

A burst of fresh data on the prevalence of “silent,” or asymptomatic carriers points to the looming danger and a prolonged ending to America’s national shutdown.

Classified Chinese government data suggest “silent carriers” could make up at least one-third of the country’s positive cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus, Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post recently reported. Approximately 43,000 people in China who had tested positive for COVID-19 last month had no immediate symptoms. And those cases were not included in the official national tally of confirmed cases, which had hit 80,000 at the end of February, the paper said.

But as extensive testing continues, authorities in Wuhan have found new cases of asymptomatic—or mildly symptomatic—infection, sparking concerns about how many contagious people have been circulating freely. Fresh data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Friday about a nursing home in Washington state only served to compound those fears.

“Almost everybody thinks there’s the potential of a second wave after we relax the restrictions,” said Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University and an expert on U.S. readiness for pandemics.

“There’s no good timeframe—it’s certainly not by Easter—that we’ll be starting to loosen up,” he continued, referring to President Donald Trump’s suggested finish line. “But once we do, people who did not have coronavirus will be going out to spaces where silent spreaders might be.”

Controlling the narrative from the bully pulpit…

This President continuously ignores the best intelligence and science on the COVID-19 threat, a pattern of behavior that dates back late last year, when the projections on COVD-19 pandemic and impact on America’s people and economy were known to the White House.

Trump first called the COVID-19 virus threat a “hoax”, then tried to blame it on the Democrats, and then pivoted to wild assertions that the virus was not a real threat after all.  But, the facts of the matter have finally overwhelmed false assertions, and painfully reveals the administration’s absence of federal leadership. Critical medical system shortages persist, and a White House policy to privatize the response to a global pandemic has only compounded virus impacts on America.

Under the best-case scenario presented on Tuesday (3-31), Mr. Trump will see more Americans die from the coronavirus in the weeks and months to come than Presidents Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon saw die in the Korean and Vietnam Wars combined

It’s TV time

As America’s first TV celebrity president with an ideological bent to ignore facts and science on global crises — from climate change to pandemic threats —  there seems no end to the president’s belief that he (as self-described) is a “genius”.   As leader of the free world, operating under a personal premise is dangerous.  Unlike all modern day presidents before him, Trump does not need subject matter experts to advise him, or scientific findings to set policy, and certainly not intelligence reports which disagree and challenge his preconceptions of the world or get in the way of his belief system … my mind is made up, don’t confuse me with facts.   

In the heat of crisis, Thursday (3/27) evening, Trump called into his personal TV network to chat with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.  In the conversation, Trump demonstrated what he is best at at — politics 24×7, and not taking responsibility for his actions.  In the midst of a catastrophic pandemic where normal life has been disrupted, where millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and tens of thousands more will die from the virus — Trump’s solace to the Fox audience  “…it can always be worse.”

There was absolutely nothing in the conversation with Hannity that demonstrated Trump had the slightest idea what was really happening in the world around him, or that he was going to lift a finger to help.

Which did happen for the next TV hour was Trump going straight into his theme of the evening: complaining about people wanting him to display leadership.

Rather than expressing his concerns about the coronavirus epidemic, rather than offering his support to those suffering, or condolences for those already mourning, Trump used his appearance to complain that many of the nation’s governors were … asking for things.

In particular, Trump was upset that governors wanted personal protective equipment for healthcare workers and ventilators for patients.

Trump seemed to treat these requests like they were coming directly from his own pocket, and as if the governors were trying to trick him by … requesting lifesaving equipment as citizens died around them.  “I have a feeling that a lot of numbers that are being sent in some areas are just bigger than they need to be,” said Trump.

But even then Trump wasn’t done complaining about various state governors requests for Federal help. “When you talk about ventilators,” said Trump, “it is a highly intricate piece of equipment. It’s heavily computerized, and good ones are very, very expensive. And they say … Gov. Cuomo and others … they say we want 30,000 of them. 30,000. Think of this.” Yes, think of it. A new medical ventilator costs around $15,000.

If Trump gave every governor what they wanted and need, it could cost $450 million. It’s not like it’s a real national emergency…

Dws Leaky Waterworld

EDITORIAL – Three Years After A Major Westside Water System Failure, County Audit Misses The Mark

In January 2017, a series of mysterious system wide failures led to a nearly 40% reduction in water delivery capacity by the Department of Water Supply (DWS) and to its West Hawaii customer base.  Of the 13 wells which comprise the DWS Westside system, five (5) wells mysteriously failed within days of one another.

The loss of five deep water wells resulted in severe water use restrictions for both residents and businesses throughout North Kona region, and for more than a year.

A belated DWS county audit was delivered to the County Council this week, more than three years after the event.  In the words of County auditor … “DWS should further develop and implement complete, detailed and written contingency plans by district as well as update their Continuity of Operations Plan.” 

That’s It?  As to the cause of the West Hawaii cascading well failures of 2017, the taxpayer-funded audit provided little insight.   In fact, if not for the persistence of North Kona Councilwoman Karen Eoff and former Councilman Dru Kanuha in response to residents’ concerns, there might not have ever been an audit.

What exactly triggered a series of closely aligned pump failures occurring within days of one another?  Aquifers Wells DwsFundamental questions as to why this happened, and equally important, as to what can be done to prevent it from happening again have not been investigated or explained by officials.

The DWS system failures took the utility two years to recover, mostly though a series of work-around steps. To date, some of the damaged wells may remain possibly permanently out of service, beyond economic recovery.

The costly series of downed wells and reduced service capacity required extended periods of voluntary and threatened water rationing, with DWS water trucks supplementing down service areas — also all at ratepayers expense.

The absence of any reasonable explanation goes to the heart of DWS’ operations: a quasi-public /private organization without accountability to its ratepayers; beginning with operational oversight, and ending with its manager and chief engineer.


What  were the “lessons learned” that could prevent such failures in the future?

First, we must consider three fundamental and outstanding issues with DWS’s (Dept. of Water Supply) mission critical operation – reliably delivering water services to its customers: island residents, agriculture, and businesses:

  1. No Power, No Water — DWS has no power backup system in place for its pumping operations; DWS is totally dependent on HELCO (HECO) power to operate on a 24×7 basis. The most basic power back-up capacity (enabling continued operation in the likely event of power loss is absent from the DWS water delivery system).  Service resiliency is not part of the utility’s management ethos. In the event of an extended power outage 8-18 hours, the DWS infrastructure begins to fail in water delivery, as pipeline storage tanks are emptied.
  2. A Culture of and Absence of Public Transparency — The loss of five Hawaii Island Westside service wells within less than a month (January 2017), has never been fully explained – coincidence, not likely. Questions that remain unanswered, including: what was the state of HELCO power delivered to DWS, and what was the state of power surge protection at the time of system failure, and at each of the five well sites.  Is it true that all five well sites were wired to the same HELCO circuit? If yes, is there a link between the pump and equipment failures and the state of power delivery at the time of the incidents?
  3. No Incentive to Improve Resiliency, Efficiency, or Lower Costs — DWS is the largest single power consumer on Hawaii Island. They are HELCO’s number one customer, but delivering power through a fragile grid which is ready to fail with Hawaii Island’s next super storm (even after ratepayer-funded HELCO grid strengthening improvements of 2018).  More than half of DWS’ operating cost is from electricity purchased from HELCO which is required to power its pumping network.  Escalating HELCO power costs are quickly passed onto DWS ratepayer water bills (no questions asked). From the DWS’ perspective, the ratepayer money barrel appears bottomless.

There is a nine member Water Board (appointed by the Mayor) which is charged with public oversight of DWS operations. The board has historically failed to demonstrate much interest in representing ratepayer interests, rubber stamping rate increases, and failing to hold accountable DWS management. Rather than focusing on their fiduciary oversight responsibilities to improve resiliency, efficiency, and lower costs within DWS, the Board appears less concerned with such details.

  • There is also an absence of imagination by the Water Board and DWS management when it comes to opportunities that can address inherent operating deficiencies within the utility, i.e., addressing the absence of power back-up and adequate power surge protection from the grid– both a cost of operation and service reliability issue.
  • Failing to pursue self-generation powering opportunities (solar/wind) and pumped-storage; are missed opportunities which can significantly cut DWS operating costs, introduce sustainability, and will certainly add to overall operating resiliency.

All appears in short supply when it comes to public accountability from a water utility which is both essential to Hawaii Island life and the local economy.

Red Alert

The loss of biodiversity, the rise of deadly diseases

According to new research published in Nature, December 2019, a healthy biodiversity is essential to human health. As species (marine, terrestrial, and airborne) disappear, infectious diseases rise in humans and throughout the animal kingdom, so extinctions directly affect our health and chances for survival as a species.    https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/extinction-countdown/humans-are-more-at-risk-from-diseases-as-biodiversity-disappears/

There are 26,500 species threatened with extinction, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a global network of some 16,000 scientists. That includes 40 percent of amphibian species, 33 percent of reef-building corals, 25 percent of mammals, and 14 percent of birds.  Hawaii has had its share of extinctions, primarily birds, with over 50 species now extinct, and averaging one bird species going extinct every decade for the past 50 years.


Another indicator of a global biosystem in trouble is Earth’s insect species, essential to both the food chain of humans and animals alike — the total number and variety of insects is estimated to be dropping by 2.5 percent every year. “There are examples of species all over the world that are essentially the walking dead,” said biologist Paul Ehrlich.

Humans are more at risk from diseases as biodiversity disappears

“Biodiversity loss tends to increase pathogen transmission across a wide range of infectious disease systems,” Barnard College ecologist Felicia Keesing.

Pathogens can include viruses, bacteria and fungi. And humans are not the only ones at risk: all manner of other animal and plant species could be affected.

Biodiversity around the world is declining at a very fast pace.

The human population has swelled to over 7.5 billion and our species’ has produced a massive footprint on planet Earth with a devastating impact on mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and marine life.

We’ve driven thousands of species to extinction through habitat loss, over-hunting and over-fishing, the introduction of invasive species into new ecosystems, toxic pollution, petro-chemical agricultural, and the overriding human-produced element: climate change in the form of global heating…

Only 3 percent of the original populations of the heavily fished Pacific bluefin tuna remain in the sea.

Extinction List Grows

In the past 40 years alone, the number of wild animals has plunged 50 percent (2014 study). Just in the past 20 years, a 90 percent plunge in the number of monarch butterflies (an indicator species) in America, and an 87 percent loss of rusty-patched bumblebees.   “We are sleepwalking toward the edge of a cliff,” said Mike Barrett, executive director at WWF.

The Holocene extinction, is otherwise referred to as the sixth mass extinction.

Is a global mass extinction now underway?  Many scientists now believe humans are living through a “6th mass extinction,” or an epoch during which at least 75 percent of all species vanish from the planet.

The current and ongoing sixth extinction event of species (sometimes called Anthropocene) is the direct result of human activity. The current rate of extinction of species is estimated at 100 to 1,000 times higher than natural background rates.

In the Beginning…

Earth has supported life in some form for about 4.2 billion years. The previous five mass extinctions occurred over the past 450 million years; the last one occurred about 66 million years ago, when the aftermath of a massive asteroid strike wiped out the dinosaurs.

Prior global extinctions differed from the current one.  They were triggered by a natural disaster or change in Earth’s climate. This time, it’s humanity that is driving a mass die-off with global consequences poorly understood or appreciated.

What are the consequences? 

Potentially enormous. The loss of species can have catastrophic effects not only to the health of the planet, but to the food chain on which all of humanity depends. With widespread degradation of highly biodiverse habitats such as coral reefs and rainforests, as well as other areas, the vast majority of these extinctions are thought to be undocumented, as the species are undiscovered at the time of their extinction, or no one has yet discovered their extinction.

Ocean reefs, which sustain more than 25 percent of marine life, have declined by 50 percent already — and could be lost altogether by 2050.Dinasour Extinction

Insects pollinate crops humans eat. Take the humble honeybee for example. U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agriculture Statistics Service finds that honey bees (in 2016 report) contributed over $339 million to the US economy in honey sales, but that’s just a drop in the bucket compared to the honey bee’s value to humans and our food chain.

In fact, bee pollination accounts for about $15 billion annually in added crop value; many crops are fully dependent on bee pollination which is vital to the approximately 250,000 species of flowering plants that depend on the transfer of pollen from flower anther to stigma to reproduce.  Today, commercial agriculture production depends on more than 90 crops which rely exclusively on bee pollination.

Of the approximately 3,600 bee species that live in the U.S., the European honey bee (scientific name Apis mellifera) is the most common pollinator, making it the most important bee to domestic agriculture.   Equally important to modern agricultural is the use of chemicals to manage so-called pests.

Introduced in 1990’s, Neonicotinoids, are now the most widely used insecticides in the world.  Their benefits are widely marketed by chemical manufacturers, leading to their widespread use in agriculture and residential areas.

Studies have linked bee deaths and hive collapse to this relatively new form of insecticide due to its persistence in the soil, and ability to leach into the environment, high water solubility, with negative health implications for non-target organisms such as pollinators (honeybees).

Neonicotinoids can be sprayed onto foliage or applied as soil drenches, but they are predominantly used as seed treatments. When used this way, neonicotinoids are taken up by all parts of the plant as it grows. This means these systemic insecticides are present in pollen and nectar that pollinators can come in contact with when foraging.    https://pollinator.cals.cornell.edu/threats-wild-and-managed-bees/pesticides/neonicotinoids/

About one-third of the food eaten by Americans comes from crops pollinated by honey bees, including apples, melons, cranberries, pumpkins, squash, broccoli, and almonds, to name just a few. Without the industrious honey bee, American dinner plates would look quite bare.

The current human-caused environmental stresses worldwide are …“far more than just being about losing the wonders of nature, desperately sad though that is,” the WWF’s Barrett said. “This is actually now jeopardizing the future of people. Nature is not ‘nice to have’ — it is our life-support system.”


Red Alert – deadly diseases on the rise

The rise in diseases and other pathogens seems to occur when so-called “buffer” species disappear. Co-author Richard Ostfeld of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies points to the growing number of cases of Lyme disease in humans as an example of how this happens. The authors focused on diseases—including Lyme, West Nile virus, hantavirus and nine others—around the world. In each case they found that the maladies have become more prevalent during the time in which local biodiversity shrank.

“Preserving large intact areas and minimizing contact with wildlife would go a big step of the way to reducing disease,” Keesing said in Nature.

So should you care?  Yes you should, if you value your health.  Living in balance with nature not only makes sense, but it essential to all life (humans included) on Earth.

 A healthy planet equals healthy humans …a lesson we humans must learn or join the 6th global extinction of species now underway.

Road Taxes, Electric Vehicles and Hawaii’s Future

New developments in battery technology, and the promise of a growing number of electric vehicles to choose from in various price ranges has some Hawaii legislators on edge. In “the sky is falling” of knee-jerk legislation last year, SB 409 was born.

For additional information on electric vehicles (EV’s), and their role in Hawaii’s future, we invite you to visit the July 2019 edition of Hawaii Today: https://www.beyondkona.com/ev-adoption-linchpin-to-hawaiis-transportation-and-clean-energy-future/

SB 409, and its companion introduced in this current 2020 session as SB3111, are designed to collect from the small group of Hawaii’s Electric Vehicles owners road maintenance fees traditionally collected in the form of taxes on fossil fuel (gas/diesel) sales.  If you ask most of Hawaii’s EV owners they’ll likely tell you …sure we’ll pay our way, but is this right approach and the right time?  

Instead, SB409 (2019) and SB 3111 (2020) have in effect, added uncertainty and economic barriers of entry to EV ownership for Hawaii’s driving public. 

EV’s represent barely 1% of all registered vehicles in the state of Hawaii, and both bills are designed to address a problem that does not yet exist, and will not exist for some time to come.  So instead, our legislators created another tax (something we do best here in Hawaii) and one that promises to further slow Hawaii’s already modest growth path to electric vehicle ownership, and as a result, slow the advancement of Hawaii’s transition to clean energy and climate change mitigation.  

BeyondKona asked one of our island experts on the subject, Bernard Moret, EV owner and board adviser to Big Island Electric Vehicle Association (BIEVA) for his thoughts on the subjects of road taxes, electric vehicles, and Hawaii’s future in electrified transportation.

On road taxes, electric vehicles, and Hawaii’s future

Bernard Moret, guest editor

A transition to 100% renewable energy, not just for electricity production, but for all land-based activities, is crucial to the future of the state.

Hawaii is blessed with plentiful solar, wind, and geothermal energy, but is currently relying on fossil fuels for most of its electrical production (KUIC on Kauai is far ahead of HECO on the other islands) and for all of its transportation.

State and county policy makers have studied approaches to meeting the state’s goal of 100% renewable energy production by 2045 and the counties’ goal of total decarbonization of their vehicle fleets by 2035.  Much has been made in the last year of state studies aimed at maintaining funding for the road system in the face of anticipated decreases of revenue from the gasoline tax due to increased adoption of battery-powered electric vehicles (BEVs) by the public.  Because these discussions all take place in the context of the state’s and counties’ efforts to move to 100% renewable energy sources, the first finding is simply that the only reasonable path open to us is through clean production of electrical energy and electrification of all land transportation.  So, where are we along this path?

To date, only modest efforts have been made by HECO to tap into renewable sources of energy, but this will change in keeping with the state’s mandate. Yet, the environmental contribution EV’s provide to the state’s other goals in the advancement clean energy and climate mitigation is generally discounted at the legislative level.

The contribution EV’s play in advancing the state’s clean goal will likely manifest themselves in two significant ways.

  • 1-  Creation of an EV charging infrastructure will drive a resistant statewide utility (HECO) to shift their power production capacity to clean and renewable energy in order to meet the growing demand for EV-driven clean power demand, while incorporating the same cost-saving efficiencies of 21st century grid operations.
  • 2-  A natural extension of EV ownership to homeowner and commercial installed Solar rooftop power production, completing the cycle and fueling opportunity from sun-to-vehicle.

Ev 1 Emissions

Specific to the transportation front, the expected decrease in gasoline consumption has not yet happened in Hawaii, in fact, last year saw a 3% increase in gasoline consumption — an unfortunate development as it also means an increase in pollution.  However, adoption of BEVs has started to modestly ramp up; state, counties, and power companies are working on setting up a network of charging stations; and discussions have started on a proposed road tax for BEVs.  Road maintenance needs, of course, will not change even when all vehicles on the road are BEVs.

Road damage from vehicles is almost entirely a function of their weight.  Government and state studies show that a single 18-wheeler loaded to its federal maximum of 80,000 lbs does 10,000 times more damage to the road than a midsize car.  In other words, almost all of the road damage is due to large commercial transports: dump trucks, tanker trucks, 18-wheelers, etc.  Put another way, drivers of personal vehicles subsidize road maintenance through the gasoline tax — accounting nationwide for over 60% of the revenue, while causing less than 1% of the road damage.

In the diagram below various vehicle weights and their ratios are represented by the level of road damage, compared to the average car.Vehcile Weight V Road Damage

We will not discuss here whether such a subsidy is fair: after all, everyone on the islands needs access to groceries, consumer goods, medical supplies, etc., all of which need to be hauled from harbors to distribution and sale points.  What we are saying here is that personal vehicles (including light-duty trucks) do so little damage to the roads that distinguishing among them, or even worrying about their annual mileage, is unimportant.

Currently the gasoline tax affects only drivers of vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICE), according to the efficiency of their vehicle (thus encouraging the adoption of more efficient vehicles) and to the mileage driven.  Any BEV makes much more efficient use of energy than any ICE vehicle (including hybrids): EPA figures show that the most efficient ICE cars barely reach 39 mpg, the best non-plugin hybrids up to 55 mpg, but BEVs are all between 100 mpg and 135 mpg equivalent.  Thus, as more of the total miles driven on the island are driven using BEVs, energy consumption gets reduced and pollution gets reduced even more.

There have been proposals to tax the electricity used for charging BEVs in an attempt to mirror the gasoline tax as closely as possible, but such proposals make little sense, for two reasons.  First, they would require extensive additional infrastructure, both public and private, to measure that energy. Second, as noted, the difference in total mileage driven (or total energy used) has almost no effect on road damage.  A much simpler mechanism is to add the road tax to the annual vehicle registration tax.   This added amount could be fixed or computed on a sliding scale (charging expensive vehicles more so as to reduce the impact on residents with modest incomes).  Given the efficiency and cleanliness of BEVs, imitating the gasoline tax by making the road tax dependent on mileage for BEVs is counterproductive.

The best solution is thus to continue taxing ICE and hybrid cars using the current gasoline tax and start using a road tax, as an extra sum paid with the registration fee, for BEVs, one that is independent of mileage, but progressive (charging more for expensive cars) so as to protect residents with modest income.

We should keep in mind that electric transportation will not only be a major contributor to Hawaii’s energy independence, but also bring huge benefits in terms of quality of life.  BEVs produce no emissions of their own; thus, after 2045, when electrical production is 100% renewable, all electric transportation will be clean — whereas today it is responsible for over one third of the pollution in the state!

In addition, BEVs are much simpler mechanically than their ICE counterparts (no gears, no transmission, very few moving parts) and thus last much longer and require almost no maintenance, resulting in a much lower cost of ownership.

BEVs are silent except for tire noise.  BEVs are statistically much safer than other cars: less than 1 accident per 2 million miles for BEVs vs. over 4 accidents for other cars — and, thanks to the rigidity of the structure that holds a BEV’s battery, the BEV driver is better protected than the ICE driver in case of accident.

The transition to electric transportation and a clean future is under way in our state and we should let our representatives know that we want them to do their best to facilitate that transition, including by setting a simple and reasonable policy for funding road maintenance.


Bernard Moret was born in Switzerland, moved to the US in 1976, received his PhD in Computer Science in 1980, became a US citizen in 1984, and worked as a faculty member at the U. of New Mexico from 1980 till 2006 and at the Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne from 2006 to 2016, doing research in computational biology on the evolution of genomes.  With his wife, he moved to the Big Island of Hawaii in 2016 and now lives in a home powered by solar panels that also recharge his electric car.


Coronavirus: An Update; by the Numbers

Significant Pandemic DevelopmentsCovdi 19 What We Don't Know

US surpasses landmark of 20 million coronavirus cases on New Year’s Day

US has almost twice as many confirmed coronavirus cases as the next worst-hit country, India, and almost 350,000 have died as hospitals, undertakers, vaccine administrators and ordinary families struggled across the nation.

  • More than 10,000 Americans died in the last three days of 2020 as the year finished with the pandemic, which has never been under control in the US since the start of the outbreak last January, breaking all the wrong world records.
  • The US has almost twice as many confirmed coronavirus cases as the next worst-hit country, India. The south Asian nation has 10.2m cases among a population of 1.3 billion, whereas the US on Friday reached 20m infections with a population of 328m.
  • Almost 350,000 Americans have died because of Covid-19, according to the coronavirus resource center at Johns Hopkins University, by far the world’s highest death toll. The country with the second most fatalities is Brazil, where 195,000 people have died from coronavirus.
  • California, whose second wave of infections this autumn and winter has proved to be a sickness tsunami, morgues in some places are overflowing and undertakers are turning away grieving families, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Hawaii ends 2020 with a daily record of new COVID-19 cases and three more deaths

Health officials reported 188 new COVID-19 cases statewide on Thursday, including 135 on Oahu, 27 in Maui County, 14 on the Big Island and 12 residents who were diagnosed out of the state. There were three new fatalities reported but no details.

  • To date, 21,397 people in Hawaii have been diagnosed with COVID-19, including 1,619 in the past two weeks.
  • As of Wednesday, 60% of the state’s 338 available ICU hospital beds were in use, including 17 COVID-19 patients.
  • There have been four virus clusters connected to church activities in December. Two of the clusters are still being investigated by the state’s contact tracers and have been linked to at least 50 cases.
  • Roughly 15% of cases diagnosed in December were associated with travel, with the bulk of cases in Hawaii being spread in the community.
  • The official state death toll from the virus is 288. Civil Beat calculates at least 293 people have died from the disease in Hawaii, including five deaths on Hawaii island that are still pending medical verification by the state.

  • The US passed 20 million cases and a record number of deaths more than 3,800 in a single day to conclude 2020..

  • U.S. Coronavirus Cases:  20,445,654
  • U.S. Deaths: 354,215
  • Recovered:  12,125,806

Us Deaths


The Federal Government’s vaccine distribution program; Operation Wrap Speed, slows to Impulse

Federal supply chain questions concerning a scheduled 30 – 40 % reduction in the second round vaccine distribution to the states remains unanswered.

Manufacturer Pfizer claims vaccines are ready for shipment which sows confusion within the Federal response.

Bloomberg reported, Pfizer said it is having no issues producing or delivering its vaccine, however, confusion over how many doses will be available has built up in recent days.

The U.S.’s original order for 100 million doses initially called for 20 million a month beginning in November. But shipments only began arriving in December, and Pfizer isn’t giving the U.S. its November allotment right away, according to the senior administration official. Instead of doubling December’s shipment to catch up, Pfizer is spreading the 20 million that was due in November over the first four months of 2021, the official said.

Pfizer has so far allocated about 10.4 million doses to the U.S., the official said. From the first tranche of 6.4 million, 500,000 doses were set aside as a reserve and 2.9 million were shipped out this week. The remaining 2.9 million will be sent in three weeks as the second dose of the vaccine’s two-shot regimen. The U.S. will begin delivering a second allocation of 4 million doses next week, again sending out half while holding back half for second doses.

The rapid-fire distribution of millions of doses challenges states

Many states have asked for more time between rounds to determine where to send them. Additionally, the U.S. won’t promise states shipments until the supply has been confirmed by Pfizer. That has stretched timelines, sowed confusion within an allocation process spanning Tuesday to Friday.  Distribution of the vaccine is grinding forward over the weekend, and deliveries are expected to begin the following Monday, an administration official said.

FDA grants emergency-use approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech, and Moderna vaccine passes panel recommendation, now awaits FDA green light to proceed

The harrowing milestone comes as two vaccine candidates have cleared FDA regulatory hurdle and began shipping to all 50 states on Sunday.

Moderna Vaccine

The coronavirus vaccine made by Moderna is highly protective, according to new data released on Tuesday, setting the stage for its emergency authorization this week by federal regulators and the start of its distribution across the country.

The data included in a review by the F.D.A. confirms Moderna’s earlier assessment that its vaccine had an efficacy rate of 94.1 percent in a trial of 30,000 people. Side effects, including fever, headache and fatigue, were unpleasant but not dangerous, the agency found.

The Food and Drug Administration intends to authorize use of the vaccine on Friday, people familiar with the agency’s plans said. The decision would give millions of Americans access to a second coronavirus vaccine beginning as early as Monday.

Distribution of about six million doses could then begin next week, significantly adding to the millions of doses already being shipped by Pfizer and BioNTech, the companies that developed the first coronavirus vaccine given emergency clearance just last Friday.


Moderna Vaccine

Pfizer-BioTech Vaccine

Late Friday, the FDA granted emergency use approval for the Pfizer and BioNTech coronavirus vaccine. That followed an advisory panel backed the Pfizer vaccine Thursday evening.

The first coronavirus vaccine shipments have left Pfizer as of Saturday morning. They should arrive at destinations on Monday-Wednesday for vaccinations.

The CDC has recommended giving priority to health-care workers and nursing homes, but states can distribute the coronavirus vaccine as they see fit

The first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine left a facility in Michigan early Sunday, with UPS and FedEx teaming up to ship them to all 50 states for distribution.  The first of nearly three million doses of the first Covid-19 vaccine were packed in dry ice and put on trucks at a Pfizer plant in Kalamazoo, Mich., on Sunday morning, destined for hundreds of distribution centers, the most ambitious vaccination campaign in American history.

Hawaii and most other states are largely planning to follow C.D.C. recommendations about who gets vaccinated first: health care workers at high risk of exposure and residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, a population that has died from the virus at disproportionately high rates.

U.S. records 3,293 deaths in a single day, total US Covid-19 deaths reach 318,522 – both new highs

According to the Worldometer data tracker, the cumulative number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. topped 16.7 million on Monday. Total virus-related deaths rose past 306,000.

Us Cases 12 18The cumulative total of worldwide Covid-19 cases confirmed since the start of the outbreak topped 72.7 million Monday, with more than 1.62 million virus-related deaths.

After weeks of surging infections and rising levels of virus hospitalizations, the United States recorded more than 3,000 covid-19 deaths in a single day, a pandemic record.

Yet the new death record, as well as a new high of more than 106,000 covid-19 patients in hospitals, are grim reminders of the pandemic’s devastating toll.

The coronavirus will kill more people in the United States every day for the next two to three months than died in the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, or Pearl Harbor, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said Thursday.

The stark warning came as the United States set a harrowing record for fatalities for the second day in a row, surpassing 3,300 deaths Thursday and bringing the U.S. death toll to more than 291,800.

It took 2½ months for the virus to claim its first 50,000 Americans, then just one month for the death toll to climb to 100,000. The pace of death eased somewhat with warmer weather and more-concerted efforts to encourage mask use. But with the arrival of autumn and the holiday season, the virus surged anew in California, Texas and the South, and then in the Plains and the Midwest.

Few safe havens remain.  Some consider Hawaii’s lower case count as one example of them.

Between late September and mid-November, the death tally climbed from 200,000 to 250,000. Now it has nearly reached the 300,000 marker in less than half that time — even though treatment of the most severe cases has improved.

Latest Hawaii State Pandemic Data


Hi Covid 19 Summary

Hawaii Re-Opens Amid National Pandemic Surge

The state has reopened to tourism and allowed incoming travelers from out of state who have tested negative for the coronavirus to avoid quarantine as of Nov. first.  Gov. David Ige previously acknowledged that the state’s partners in a COVID-19 testing program for trans-Pacific travelers won’t test children younger than 12.   Ige said untested children of families who arrive in Hawaii will be subject to a 14-day quarantine, even if their parents arrive with a negative test.

 “We are focused on enabling more trans-Pacific travelers to come,” Ige said. “It won’t be the ideal situation. It’s not going to be accessible to everybody who wants to travel.”

Ige said he’s not ready to lift the 14-day interisland travel quarantine.  However, the state’s so-called quarantine measures are limited by totally inadequate testing and enforcement resources. Beyond a few Oahu hotels working with DOH, it’s strictly an honor system, and people don’t fly to Hawaii for vacation only to stay inside their rooms for two weeks.

Right Time to Reboot Tourism?

Hawaii appears ready to fall into the same pattern seen elsewhere around the world, but with one significant difference. As we open up for business during the middle of a global pandemic, cases and deaths will skyrocket, but unlike the mainland, Hawaii’s woefully lacking medical infrastructure will collapse under the weight of escalating hospitalizations — worst yet, the state’s population living on outer islands will be hardest hit, already facing a chronic shortage of doctors and inadequate medical care.

US Economy Hammered by Pandemic

  • Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, was rebuked on Thursday at a congressional oversight hearing over his management of the economic relief effort
  • Mnuchin is facing criticism from lawmakers over his decision to pull the plug on five of the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending programs Dec Unemployment Claims
  • Scrutiny of Mr. Mnuchin’s handling of the programs comes as he is negotiating with Congress over another $900 billion economic relief bill that lawmakers hope to pass before the end of the year


Trump Administration Plays Politics with Americans’ Livelihoods

This was a political decision — one intended to hamstring the incoming administration even as Covid deaths are spiking and the economic recovery is slowing,” Bharat Ramamurti, an appointed member of the Congressional Oversight Commission, said at Thursday’s hearing. “Let me put it this way: Does anyone think the Treasury would have ended these programs if Donald Trump were re-elected?”

The monthly jobs report released on Friday showed that hiring slowed sharply in early November and that some of the sectors most exposed to the pandemic, like restaurants and retailers, cut jobs for the first time since the spring.

More up-to-date data from private sources suggests that the slowdown has continued or deepened since the November survey was conducted.


Dec Job Report


More than four million people left the work force entirely from February to November, meaning they are neither working nor actively seeking a job. (To be counted as unemployed, a person must have looked for a job in the last four weeks or be on a temporary layoff.)

Several of the economists we spoke to mentioned the dip in labor force participation as a cause for concern — and a factor that can contribute to a falling unemployment rate, without people actually finding work.

Nearly a year after the coronavirus outbreak, the full impact of the pandemic on the U.S. economy remains unclear. Some of the most obvious indicators are in conflict: As some companies report enormous profits, nearly 10 million more Americans are now unemployed compared with last February, and over one million filed new state and federal unemployment claims last week.

Are we still in the early stages of a long recession, or will the rollout of vaccines mean we’ll soon see the end of a short-term crisis? How much are people suffering now, and for how long will the effects of the past 10 months persist?

Only time will tell …


Out Of Work Stats


US Hospitals stretched beyond means

  • US suffers one Covid death every 30 seconds, while global cases now exceed 65 million.

    In the US, on average 3,000 Americans are dying each day from COVID-19 exposure, according to Johns Hopkins University – one American death every 30 seconds.  

  • With hospitals slammed by covid-19, doctors and nurses plead for action by governors.

  • With few options left, overwhelmed doctors and other caregivers are appealing directly to governors for relief from the staggering increases in hospitalized covid-19 patients as the virus surges across the country.   Without a new relief package from Washington, governors have adopted a variety of approaches to grapple with the runaway virus while trying to keep parts of their economies alive. That includes allowing some businesses, such as restaurants and gyms, to remain open with limited capacity and other restrictions.

Staffing in U.S. hospitals, particularly among nurses, has reflected a patchwork of local shortages in recent years, with a ready reserve of traveling and per-diem personnel deployed in response to sudden demand — a flu outbreak here, a hurricane there, a strike elsewhere.

But now, the once-in-a-century pandemic is exposing the liabilities of this just-in-time, cost-conscious approach at some hospitals, chronic staff shortages in others and the toll of the pandemic on an exhausted workforce.

Global COVID-19 cases near 5 mn: Johns Hopkins

In this fall surge of infections, supplies and equipment for patients and protective gear for health-care workers are not as scarce as they were early in the pandemic, though sporadic shortages still exist, especially in some rural areas.

Last year, a little more than 47,000 registered nurses worked temporary jobs, and 17,000 licensed practical nurses did the same, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That is a small fraction of the 3.7 million nurses from both categories who were employed last year.

The health-care system last year spent $6.1 billion on travel nurses, a figure that will rise by at least 10 percent this year, said Barry Asin, president of Staffing Industry Analysts, a research firm that specializes in health-care staffing. While covid-related hiring of supplemental health-care workers is skyrocketing, employment of other health-care workers is down sharply because of the cancellation of elective procedures and other care, Asin said.

The impact on patients in the current coronavirus surge has yet to be determined, but everyone is fearful. Overstretched staffs cannot give patients the attention they typically receive under normal conditions, whether they are in the emergency room, intensive care or the covid-19 wards that make up ever-larger portions of hospitals amid the crisis.

There is little independent research on the impact temporary nurses have on the quality of care. A 2012 study of a single hospital found they had neither a positive nor negative effect on patient outcomes.

Only one state, California, mandates staff-to-patient ratios. Standards are written into some union contracts. But in many places, it is up to nurses to speak up when they feel conditions are unsafe, which can endanger their jobs, said Jean Ross, co-president of National Nurses United, a nurses labor union.

In the current circumstances, some nurses feel as if they are just trying to survive the onslaught.

“We are just completely overrun,” said Rachel Heintz, who works in the emergency department at CHI St. Alexius with McKamey. Both are stewards for the labor union.

Hospital President Kurt R. Schley said there are vacancies in the emergency department and acknowledged that the surge has created “an additional strain to a well-recognized nursing shortage in our community and the region.”

Covid 19 Deaths



The United States has now suffered 19% of the world’s deaths from Covid-19, despite accounting for only 4% of the world’s population. 



Editorial — 49 Reasons

Forty Nine Reasons all in a line, All of them good ones, All of them Lies ... (49 Bye-Byes, CSN).

The Hawaiian word for truth is ʻoiaʻiʻo.  

If you’re keeping score, Donald Trump has lied an average of 13 times a day since becoming president.  Within the last two months the average number of lies and misleading statements per day has grown to 22.

The latest fact check analysis (mid-October) on Trump’s public assertions and statements, Trump had made 13,435 false or misleading claims since taking over the oval office, according to the Fact Checker’s database which analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement he has uttered.

Why does any of this matter?  The plain truth is that truth matters, facts and empirical evidence matter, and preserving the morality of Truth Telling by our leaders and among ourselves matters.

False or misleading claims from Trump range the gambit of issues from trade, the state of the economy, the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, to claims and actions targeting his so-called “political enemies”.  The list grows daily with each new tweet; most recently the President focusing on re-writing the facts of the Ukraine investigation and playing a one-sided Executive Branch game of ignoring legal processes and their responsibilities requiring cooperation with House of Representatives investigation of the President and his agents operating in the name of (and behalf of) Trump, not the United States.

One possible explanation for the increase in the number of Trump’s lies is that as the president has continued to lie with relative political impunity, the President holds the majority of elected Republican officials’ within “his party” hostage. In our two party system, mTrump Big Mouthany Republicans have also grown increasingly desensitized to Trump’s actions, and have adopted an instinctive reluctance about saying that which they know to be severely exaggerated or flat-out untrue.

Facts appear to have little room in firmly rooted beliefs that have lead to a division in the Country’s thought processes. What should be more about facts, truth telling and well-throughout actions by our Commander and Chief, instead are replaced with questionable actions or even criminal acts that have become a partisan issue, rather than self-evaluation by the American people of their President, their Country, and their fellow Americans…

Overall, fewer than 3 out of 10 Americans believe Trump’s most common inaccuracies, indicating that he has developed a reputation for an absence of trustworthiness due to the transparency of some of his falsehoods.

Research of modern day truth telling and lies reveals more about us than just our take, our interpretation, our acceptance or rejection of Trump tales. Research also suggests that social media and other media have become the new arbiter of what is true and what is false, and what is a mostly partisan view of the world.

Many in our nation have mostly forsaken the traditional measurements of facts and reality checks that validate public policy for the convenience of instant messaging, dumb down reasoning, and foreign intervention in our democracy to define what is true and what is false.   Media technology is only a tool, not a replacement for thinking, researching, and doing the work to determine the truth, its certainly harder than just forsaking our citizen responsibilities for a quick tweet — all of which influences how we respond (vote) to the policies and the actions our leaders that matters.

If the over 240 years of the Republic, once considered an experiment in democracy, is worth anything then it is certainly worth taking personal responsibility for the ideal we commonly refer to as “living in the land of the free”.

We should never forget that with freedom comes responsibility and the fulfillment of our nation’s ideal:   We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…

What’s next for this President

As of Thursday morning, Hawaii time (10-31-19) the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution  that formalizes the next steps in the impeachment inquiry of President Trump. The final vote was 232-196, with former Republican and current independent Rep. Justin Amash voting yes and two Democrats voting no.

“Sadly, this is not any cause for any glee or comfort. This is something that is very solemn, that is something prayerful and that we had to gather so much information to take us to this next step,” said Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the House floor prior to the vote, adding, “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts themselves, that’s really what this vote is about.”

At her weekly news conference, Pelosi was asked whether she believes Thursday’s vote will do anything to diminish the belief of the White House that the Democratic-led process is illegitimate and unfair.   “No. The facts are what they are,” Pelosi said. “They can try to misrepresent them, but the fact is, this is a process that has expanded opportunity for them (Republicans) to show any evidence that they believe proves the innocence of the president.”

The impeachment process rules the Democratic majority is now following is same the process and rules previously established by Republicans during the President Clinton impeachment and represent a process that even Pelosi acknowledges “…are fairer than anything that has gone before.”

The go-forward impeachment vote today is all about the Trump–Ukraine scandal and represents our government at its best and at its worst.  It’s an ongoing political tug-of-war, with a fact-finding and witness-led investigation now underway by the House of Representatives counter-balanced by efforts to derail the investigation by the White House and its allies.

The investigation is focused on determining the facts surrounding efforts by U.S. President Donald Trump to coerce Ukraine and other foreign countries into providing damaging narratives about 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden, and to discredit the well-established findings of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

Trump’s actions included blocking Congressionally-approved and mandated payment of $400 million military aid package essential to Ukraine’s defense against a Russian invasion and that aid would only be released by Trump in exchange for quid pro quo cooperation from Ukraine’s President Zelensky.  A number of contacts were established between the White House and the government of Ukraine outside State Department channels, and culminating in a July 25, 2019 phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s newly elected President Zelensky.

Credible witnesses have testified that Trump apparently enlisted surrogates within and outside his official administration, including his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General Bill Barr, to pressure Ukraine and other foreign governments into supporting an alt-reality conspiracy theory that supports Trump’s 2020 campaign re-election narrative.



Politics Trump Truth: 45 problems, and he’s every one

Is the whistleblower a traitor, or the CIA doing its job to protect our republic from all enemies foreign and domestic? One of our checks and balances is 1.4 million public servants (the deep-state, so hated by extremists) quietly doing their jobs no matter how foolishly the elected members of government behave.

Trump Whistleblower

It was only fair to give the “very stable genius” a try. There are so many opportunities for ridicule that it’s too easy. Has 45 accomplished anything? Oh yeah, built a wall nobody wanted, with other people’s money. Is he a Reagan or a Hitler, or just Mussolini to Putin’s Hitler?

A statement is a lie if the teller knows it is not true. Does 45 think anything said is automatically true? Is that a delusion (dementia)? What about changing position in mid-sentence apparently oblivious to the contradiction, and denying saying things captured on video. Is “fake-news” a Joseph Goebel’s big-lie? A blatant falsehood, repeated often enough to gain credibility?

The depth of ignorance, normal adults cannot fathom, for example: “We are going to mine clean-coal.” “Windmills cause cancer.” Immigration proposals that would horrify a teen. Not knowing the difference between right and wrong is the legal definition of insanity. Why take credit for improved economics that were obviously a continuation of earlier international trends?

Why complain that the deep-state does not cooperate? Is this misunderstanding the genius of checks and balances that keep America, the world’s oldest continuous national government, stable and prevents concentration of power? Ours is a lawful government of the people, by the people, for the people; not government of the people for the president.

Is there evidence of any input or knowledge before flamboyantly signing an incomprehensible tax bill slapped together in secret, that will reduce his own tax? “We will be doing tax returns on a postcard,” when the tax code is 70,000 pages?

His core appeal is to those with minimum critical thinking skills. He said it — I believe it — that settles it. They ignore evidence and accept baseless theories.

The cost of the Mar-a-Lago lifestyle is overwhelming; much public cost goes into his own pocket. Accommodating dignitaries, and staff at expensive profitable resorts, instead of government facilities! Each junket of the Air-Force-One armada costs us millions. Shocking sexual antics, why hold entertainers to a higher standard than the president? Can the king do no wrong?

Leadership that resembles a remedy that caused a headache so bad that when it wore off, the patient was happy to have only the original. Doing something that outraged everyone to fix the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Adding a skunk to a bar fight. Whatever happens, proclaim it a win and proudly rename it. Getting his name and face on everything; he does that very well, like an idiot savant that excels at only one thing.

Play the media like a one-button juke box, no such thing as bad publicity. Every outrageous brain fart is front page news, with his personal network Fox News busily rationalizing each grammarless tweet.

Some outbursts make as much sense as reading a third-grader’s Scrabble game. The media put him in office by giving him the cheap publicity he dotes on and show every sign they will continue. The pundits need to stop playing his game, please! Epithets attach his faults to others.

Just when you think it can’t get more outrageous, 45 calls dissent treason. Dissent is fundamental to a republic. Is this mimicking the dictator’s playbook? Every dictator detests the press: “Fake news,” and takes over broadcast media; Fox Noise. Offenses come so fast they are turning this into a list. “I’m the only one that matters” l’état, c’est moi?

How much longer do we endure? Will this wreck the GOP before it wrecks America? So why not impeach now? Because that is just an indictment. What if McConnel impedes the trial in the Senate? POTUS would benefit from a failed impeachment and get reelected maybe more than once. If you set out to overthrow a tyrant, and fail you will be worse off than before.


Reprinted with permission from West Hawaii Today, originally published October 5th, 2019

Ken Obesnki is a forensic engineer now safety and freedom advocate in South Kona. He writes a biweekly column for West Hawaii Today. Email: obenskik@gmail.com

Diesel Polluter Exhaust

EV Adoption – linchpin to Hawaii’s transportation and clean energy future

Hawai’i currently has over one million gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles on its roads, which, according to state research, emit nearly five million metric tons of climate-changing carbon pollution annually throughout the islands.

Add to that — Hawaii residents, businesses, and visitors 5 spent over $1,500,000,000 ($1.5 Billion) on imported fossil fuel purchases in 2018; dollars which otherwise could be spent to support our island economy.

Electric Vehicles (Battery Electric Vehicles aka BEV) will play a primary and enabling role in Hawaii’s journey to achieving its statewide goal of a 100% clean energy economy by 2045.

TesEV’s deliver multiple benefits to the taxpayers and residents of Hawai’i. But there is a statewide disconnect between good intentions and state policies designed to support and otherwise enable the fulfillment of these benefits.

First and foremost, Hawaii should be doing everything possible to create incentives, not barriers to this necessary transportation transition. The 2019 legislature’s reluctant passage of Sen. Inouye’s SB409 addition of a surcharge tax on new and annual electric vehicle registrations is an example where ill-informed lawmakers shifted EV adoption in Hawai’i into reverse.

(for 2019 legislative details read the Hawai’i Today edition of May 3rd : “Forces Inside and Outside Hawai’i Shape the State’s Climate Future”).

Second, unlike most other states, in 2019 Hawaii continues to fail to offers any economic incentives towards the advancement EV adoption in the state. State EV incentives are weak at best, and limited to select parking privileges, and for Oahu residents, access to the county’s limited HOV lanes.

State of Hawaii EV Incentives, as of 2019

  • EV Lane Exemption: Qualified EVs and PHEVs may use designated HOV lanes regardless of the number of occupants in the vehicle with the correct license plate
  • Parking Fee Exemption: EVs are exempt from parking fees and metered parking, but not beyond 2.5 hours or the maximum amount of time the meter allows, whichever is longest. The parking exemption only applies to daily fees, not weekly or monthly parking fees. The program sunsets on June 30, 2020.
  • Parking Requirement: Public parking lots with greater than 100 spaces must offer an EV designated parking spot and offer EV charging. The State of Hawaii has a free mobile app that shows public and private charging stations.

Why Price and Choice Matter

Hawaii’s absence of state tax credits towards new and used electric vehicles purchases buyers is a policy weakness which solely relies on Federal tax credits to close the purchase price gaps between ICE and EV vehicle purchases for Hawai’i buyers seeking to go electric.  New car buyers in all states, including Hawai’i, are eligible to receive a Federal tax credit up to $7,500.  This incentive, however, is short lived for the most successful car companies, e.g., Tesla and GM whose EV’s model sales exceeded the Federal limit of 200,000 electric vehicle sales and no longer qualify for the Federal tax credit assistance program set aside for EV purchases.  Hawaii residents interested in a new and affordable Tesla Model 3 or Chevy Bolt are just out of luck.

Nationally, EV sales presently represent only 2.4 percent of all passenger car and truck sales in the U.S. As of January 2018, the number of electric vehicles registered in Hawai’i reached 6,748 – that number stands in contrast to over one million polluting ICE vehicles also registered in the state.  In effect, the electric vehicle population in Hawai’i is far outnumbered by their gasoline-diesel powered counterparts.

In contrast to this proportional reality, lawmakers tout Hawai’i as having the second-highest rate of EV adoption in the country.  That statement may be correct, but when Hawaii’s EV population starts near zero, the adoption rate even in small numbers looks grand.   But that’s beginning to slowly change as EV choices, price ranges, and model options continue to expand with each new model year. Us Hawaii Ev Selction July 2019

Cost matters to consumers across the price range for big ticket purchases likes cars and houses. But some of Hawaii’s legislators, including Senator Inouye, believe falsely that only wealthy people can afford electric vehicles, that’s assumption belies the facts.

This graph shows 2019 EV  models presently available for sale in Hawai’i, their estimated purchase price before Federal tax incentives, their estimated driving range between charges, and their respective battery (engine) size. 

In fact, EV’s like their ICE (Internal Combustion engine) counterparts come in a wide range of prices, with several EV manufacturer models are now comparably priced to similar Honda, Toyota, or Hyundai ICE vehicles. However, ICE vehicles mostly maintain a purchase price advantage over similar EV models, ranging several thousand dollars or more. On average, last year (2018) EVs had an initial purchase price which was generally 15-20% higher than comparable gasoline powered vehicles.

We are now seeing EV battery cost reductions being passed on to consumers. Combined with vehicle design efficiency improvements and technology advances, electric vehicle prices are beginning to drop and consumers are getting greater value for purchase dollars. This was recently demonstrated by the EV market leader Tesla, which lowered 2019 vehicle prices and added driving range to its 2019 premium models, the S and X.

Fuel and Other Ownership Costs Considerations

There are many different ways to view vehicle ownership costs, but the two primary considerations are vehicle purchase costs and the lifetime cost of ownership – maintenance.

Electric Vehicles (EV) offer some distinct cost advantages over internal-combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, primarily in reduced maintenance costs and not having to buy gas …ever —which can make electric vehicles significantly cheaper than the comparable internal-combustion engine vehicles during their ownership lifespan. This is especially true when trading gallons of gas purchased for plugging in by Hawaii’s residents who choose to power not only their homes, but their vehicles from the sun.  The expansion of this zero emissions opportunity is easily expandable to Hawaii’s residents living in condos and apartments without garage parking and charging through a variety options in the state’s policy transition to clean energy.

Today’s so-called efficient cars and trucks still burn lots of fuel fossil getting from point A to point B.  To repeat: Hawaii residents, businesses, and visitors 5 spent over $1,500,000,000 ($1.5 Billion) on imported fossil fuel purchases in 2018.

Beyond fuel costs at the gas pump which require many costly and time wasting trips to local gas stations to re-fuel over and over and over again, there are larger considerations facing the state, and the planet as a whole. Fossil-fueled transportation pollutes our island skies, advances global warming impacts (something we should be acutely aware of living on an island facing rising sea levels and extreme storm events).Diesel Polluter Exhaust

But less obvious cost for ICE owners are the engine and drivetrain maintenance costs. Paid over the vehicle life, drivers of traditional, non-electric vehicles face a huge operating money sink, especially as ICE vehicles age. Changing engine oil, coolant, transmission fluid, and belts all add up maintenance ownership costs over time.

By comparison, electric cars don’t have internal combustion engines, so these costs disappear. Universal vehicle expenses like tire and brake changes, insurance, and structural repair are part of owning any vehicle, but EV owners avoid many of the repeated costs associated with combustion engine upkeep.

A 2018 study from the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute found that electric vehicles cost less than half as much to operate as gas-powered cars. The average cost to operate an EV in the United States is $485 per year, while the average for a gasoline-powered vehicle is $1,117.

But what are the true EV cost benefits for society and Hawai’i as a whole?

First and foremost, Hawaii’s fossil-fueled transportation options carry with them not only passengers, but externality costs for Hawaii’s taxpayers, primarily in the form of  economic and environmental costs by worsening the growing impacts of climate change on Hawaii and its island economy.

By not advancing the public and private sector adoption of electric vehicles, state and county officials are operating in a mode that runs completely counter to Hawaii’s 2045 100% renewable energy and sustainability goals, which seek end the state’s addiction to imported fossil fuels.

EV adoption and market share growth of the now dominant ICE vehicle marketplace will take several converging factors:Ev Event Kona 2016

  • Private and public sector interest groups must come together on common implementations goals and strategy for the state.

  • A statewide EV charging infrastructure must be established, not just on Oahu

  • EV purchase costs must be competitive at the sticker cost level with comparable ICE options, meaningful state tax incentives will go a long way towards fulfilling this goal, and can be phased out over time once critical mass adoption has been achieved

  • Changes to Hawaii’s current energy policy and regulations that discourage and create barriers to rooftop solar + EV adoption must be addressed holistically, not piecemeal.

Seeing is Believing – Ford introduces its new all electric F-150 pick-up truck …

While Ford is yet to announce a concrete release date for its all-electric F-150, today, the company debut to the world it’s F-150 EV pick-up truck.  The popular pick-up with an EV drivetrain is designed to ensure that the company’s upcoming pivot to electric vehicles will be a success.  The Detroit-based carmaker showcased how much cargo its upcoming battery powered electric truck could actually tow. As it turns out, the figure lies somewhere between zero and 1.25 million pounds.

Ford also recently announced its partnership with Volkswagen, which will allow Ford to use the German carmaker’s battery architecture. Ford has also invested $500 million in electric truck startup Rivian, which will give the veteran automaker access to the startup’s skateboard platform. Ford plans includes the production of over a dozen electric and electrified models by 2022.

Look to the future – which has already arrived

The United Kingdom’s National Grid is presently working on a national clean energy strategy whereby electric vehicles will, in effect, be rolling battery storage modules for the grid. The idea is not new, but implementation at the national grid level is unprecedented.

HECO also speaks of a future for Hawaii’s island-individual energy grid systems in which EV’s play a primary role by enabling grid-level power management of wind and solar power production, in effect, providing greater flexible in managing power fluctuations between supply and demand. But unlike the UK plan, HECO’s green energy plans does not mention the economic benefits and advantages of switching off of expensive fossil fuels and bringing down energy costs for consumers and EV owners.

As a national plan, the UK vision is bold and will require the support of policymakers.  The UK energy sector also predicts electric vehicles will become the most popular form of transport between 2030 and the early 2040s. It also predicts that many more homes and communities will generate their own electricity through solar panels or micro wind power projects.

None of this seems especially remarkable, in fact, of course the UK considers and plans for EV’s having a pivotal role in their clean energy-storage-management transition plans.

Nearer to home, island life goes on. Our county governments, communities, developers, along with present and future EV owners struggle with the basic question of where do I charge my EV?  The stakeholders look to Oahu or Washington D.C. for guidance and resources, but find little to none, just missed opportunities as the legislative clock ticks down to 2045 – well there’s always next year…


Morrish Idol Mk Reef

Sustainability is Mauō 

Sustainability — more than just a word

The Hawaiian word for sustainability is mauō is made up of two basic words; mau, stability, unbroken continuity, and ō, enduring.   This new Hawaiian word was coined by the Hawaiian Lexicon Committee in 2016, because previously there was no need for the word mauō as it was a normal part of Hawaiian life.

Sustainability in Hawaii is a term that is bandied about with great relish, and there is no shortage of talk story on the subject.  It seems like every governmental agency and non-profit, from the Hawaiian Tourism Authority, to Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), to big name developers like A&B have used this euphemism as a way of supplanting serious public conversations about living in balance with nature, and the essential role it plays beyond resource extraction and consumption.

In the words of political ecologist Paul Hawken, “The dirty secret of environmentalism is that ‘sustainability’ is an insufficient objective.”

In a world overtaken by the certainty of global warming, ‘sustainability,’ even when taken a step beyond lip service, can no longer be taken seriously.

From Alaska to Europe, the world has spent the past few weeks roasting under temperatures never before seen in recorded history.  Alaska has hit all-time-high record temperatures according to the National Weather Service.Euro Gw Chart1

Meanwhile, hot winds blowing north from the Sahara have been sending temperatures in Europe to soar to record highs.

It was Europe’s record three-degree temperature spike this past week  that brought global temperatures to their recorded-history highs.

Hawai’i, like the rest of the world has been overtaken by the certainty of global warming and its consequences.

So when we speak about ‘sustainability,’ even when taken a step beyond lip service, can the meaning and purpose of sustainability continue to be taken seriously?

To Fish or Not to Fish, the Question is Bigger Than That

Six months ago it was widely reported that many reefs in West Hawai’i, previously devastated by a major 2015 bleaching event have stabilized, and as reported at the time was the “first step toward recovery.”  Beyond the happy headlines, the same researchers noted that much remains to be done in the region with more frequent and severe bleaching events anticipated in the future – an understatement at best.

Recent observations of the reef system between North Kona and South Kohala indicated that some baby coral recovery sighting from earlier this year are now showing signs of stress and bleaching.

Stabilization is often associated with sustainability, as in things are bad, but relax, they won’t get worse. As if this was a cause for celebration.  Perhaps, when 90% of Cauliflower coral, once the state’s most abundant shallow water species, is nearly wiped out during a 2015 bleaching event, and then there still hope that tomorrow will bring recovery. New Coral Bleaching 2019

“Some bleaching in the environment is considered normal, but it has been happening more and more often,” said NOAA officials who announced last week to update this summer a survey of Hawaii’s ocean floors, which have not been updated since the 1940s.

In the local community there is always hope that Hawaii’s reef system will recover, and soon. But the bland assertions of DLNR (Dept. of Land and Natural Resources) when it relates specifically to this precious and fragile marine environment and resource is another matter when it comes to Hawaii Island’s ‘aquarium trade’ – in effect a for-free business model of reef wildlife collection for profit.

The adopted DLNR lexicon of ‘sustainability’; “sustainable catch”, “sustainable collection”, are the agency’s catchall terms used to define what has become the ultimate defense of disputed harvest numbers and unseen resource extraction practices of Hawaii’s reef fish. All together it has proven to be a meaningless set of terms designed for public consumption, not regulation.  It’s no wonder that DLNR’s management policies have proven to be impossible to enforce — perhaps that was their intent all along.  All the while the aquarium ‘trade’ operators continue to assure the public and the politicians that they are doing just fine by ‘self-regulating’.

The state could undertake practices to enable sustainability of Hawaii’s reef marine environment, but this will require political leadership so far that has been lacking in the meaningful development of sustainability policies ahead of status quo considerations.  Instead, from the Governor, legislators, and county mayors, there is void that needs to be filled and without delay.  It is a need for general reform and focus on the preservation and complex restoration of one of the state’s irreplaceable assets, a healthy marine environment throughout Hawaii’s island chain.

For DNLR, such a statewide commitment would easily agency exceed the Agency’s half-measures and incomplete actions that generally translate in limited and isolated fishing moratoriums. Instead, what is required for 21st century environmental challenges of a global magnitude are global solutions, e.g., Paris Climate Accord, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Committee of Fisheries, International Whaling Commission, and the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) — the first of a series of four negotiating sessions through 2020 in the development of a new legally-binding treaty to protect marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, commonly known as the high seas.

But local problems require also local action. In the case of the future of Hawaii’s reef system, fishing will eventually be limited or fish losses will solve any on going problems with extinctions.

If restoration measures are to succeed, DLNR will be need to move beyond saving isolated reef spaces, and instead, engage in a holistic conservation and recovery strategy that connects the dots between coral and reef fish. DLNR must also develop an independent and science-based strategy that addresses the multiple stressors of warming temperatures, rising sea levels, sea water acidification, marine food chain disruptions, and focus on addressing the needs of Hawaii’s diverse ecosystems and species.

Merely skirting tipping points to extinction, while invoking the magical word of ‘sustainability’, will no longer cut it.  So let’s imagine a new magic word: abundance or as the Hawaiians termed it “’aina monoma”…